God of All Comfort Bible Study

A week from now I will have began my weekly ladies bible study.  I am more than ready in the context of hanging with some really cool chicks, delving into the Word of God, and having some yummy snacks.  Now on the side of leading this session, I’m alittle on the unsure side.  I know it will pass, it always does.  Mostly what I am trying to decide is if I should blog a weekly post here about the lessons.  The last session I led I did blog and you can see it here, it was Coffee with the Savior.  It was my first “real” bible study blogging gig.

It was interesting but I felt alittle “off” or pressured (by myself not by anyone else), I would say when writing.  I think I was over thinking things and wondering if it was even being read. The bible study was alittle difficult for me too, which isn’t a bad thing at all.   I’m still debating if I will blog a series for God of All Comfort.


God of All Comfort

Right now I need to go start my homework for it.  Yes, we have homework to be do BEFORE the actually bible study.  I love this part, it keeps me focused daily and makes me think.

Is there a bible study series you have done recently you would like to recommend?  I’d love to hear you thoughts and the name of it!

Grace is a gift,


2 thoughts on “God of All Comfort Bible Study

  1. Does this one have five daily lessons for the week or just one larger segment? I would love for you to blog on this one (no pressure) and am interested to see how you feel about it in light of your time with your Dad. Prayers as you begin! I know you have an awesome group of ladies ready to walk through with on this one. 🙂


    1. Heather, Yes it does. I”m thrilled! 🙂 Then there is a section for discussion as a group at the end of each chapter. I thought the same thing about this study and the passing of my Dad. Will keep you posted! 🙂 Thanks!


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