This Year – Less I and Me More Us and We!

I am into 2015 a little ways and I must say it’s going quite well.  I’ve found myself rejuvenated, inspired, loved, and focused.  I’ve come to see that changing, although sometimes difficult can be a releasing experience!  Here I am sitting at my computer and so excited to be share a gift that someone gave me.

The gift wasn’t given in a beautiful box or cute gift bag, or even homemade by my friend.  All she did was click share on her Facebook page.  Because she chose to share something of substance, of encouragement, of delight it brought me joy.  She shared and I received a gift.  So I am wanting to continue that path!

The gift she shared was a muscian. I like music – I like to dance and I feel many things while listening to music.  It’s something I enjoy.  Not only did I enjoy this particular singer’s voice or the upbeat tempo or her bright shining face, I truly love the words of this song.  So much that I have made it my 2015 year song.  I think it goes well with Pushing Forward with Grace.  Here let me share my favorite lines, then maybe it will make more sense.

This year I plan on thinking less of “I” and “me”

I resolve to think of “us” and “we”

This year I can’t wait to see what good will come

Does that not sound like what I was wanting for #pfwg44thbirthday!  🙂  I’m super stoked, I can play this song while I give blood or write letters!

Oh and the other lines in the song, well to be honest I needed to let go of 2014 and no regrets.  My happiness is here and now and living with the Lord by my side has brought me peace.

So, take a moment to watch the video, I promise it won’t disappoint!  Just let yourself live in the moment of feeling good and being happy!  Sharing with others and making 2015 count!  God bless you all! Enjoy!

Grace is a gift,
